The cultured crewThe fabulous folks behind the cheese
What would I do without my crew?!
What I originally envisioned (somewhat naively) as a one-woman show, quickly grew into a, “I can’t do this alone!” And I wouldn’t want to do this alone. There is so much joy (and yes, cheesy humour) in working with my dedicated team at the shop. We work hard, we laugh a lot and we strive to offer the best inclusive experience we can to our customers and our community. Because where would we be without the support of our community? Mr. DaveFrom opening day, he was a part of our team. A regular customer who rarely missed a Saturday cheese shopping experience, and if he did it was so out of character that I was actually worried!
Nine months into this gig he joined our team behind the cheese counter, already armed with so much knowledge from his consistent shopping experiences. Dave has been growing with us and our business for over 8 years. We are super lucky to have him! Though the cheese puns Dave… ALEJANDRAOla Alejandra!
Inquisitive and curious, focussed and fun, honest and hardworking. Kinda fits the crew criteria, right?! With a kick-butt cover letter full of passion, intent and genuine interest, I nearly hired her right off the paper, before we even met! And nearly 4 years later, we ask, what would we do without her?! She has honed her skills in numerous areas of the business, and whether she greets you at the till, assists you with an oil and vinegar fill or cuts and wraps your cheese with careful precision, she is always kind, professional and ready to help! She is such a great fit for our shop, our team and our community. We are deeply grateful to her for her continued commitment and dedication to Team Cheese! |
A family BUSINESSMy familyIt all begins with family, the foundation of Cultured Fine Cheese.
After our son was born and I returned to work, I was looking for an entrepreneurial opportunity to support more balance in my life. Ha! I was obviously totally oblivious to the massive commitment required of self-employment! But we went into this as family, and for family, and we continue with the same principles. On a cold November evening in 2014, the idea of a cheese shop was born. By March 2015 we had signed a lease and I had given notice at my government job. Yup, terrifying to say the least! And on June 23, 2015, the rubber hit the road! There I am in the forefront, the storefront, but always, my family is behind the scenes, my boys, my cheering squad, my rocks, my reason to work hard at this dream. Steph, my perfect pairing.LarraArlo, going above and beyond!It's not always glamorous, growing up in a family business. Sometimes it means a late night napping on the shop floor, while mommy and papa pull a late night prepping fondue.
It takes a COMMUNITY...So, as you can see, it takes many layers, a carefully interwoven tapestry of lives, to create, maintain and sustain a business. Sure, we had a vision, but it takes a community to bring it to fruition. Thank you Yukon!!